This website is managed and operated by HSE Technology Co., Ltd. who registered in Beijing China. You can contact us from different channels:
1. When we show "We are online" at the bottom right corner as the picture below, you can click it and talk directly with us lively. Normally we are online from 8AM to 10PM GMT +8.
2. When we show "Leave us a message" at the bottom right corner as picture below, you can click it and leave us message. We will reply you ASAP when we start working next day.
3. You can send us email anytime from the green bubble at bottom right corner as picture below.
4. You can also click the "Request Quote" button at every product page to ask questions, request quotations, etc.
5. You can always email us to: [email protected]
6. You are welcom to give us a call from the numbers below during working hours:
HSE Technology Co., Ltd.
China HQ:
Tel: +86 10 8646 7918
Address: 8/F, Dongjiu Plaza, Xizhaosi St. Dongcheng District, Beijing 100061, China.
Hong Kong:
Tel: +852 5371 0268
Tel: +65 96822826
Tel: +6012-2657458
Middle East:
Tel: +962 791 312 451 (Jordan)
+966 503 482 574 (Saudi Arabia)